Phone calls using Bolna
Handle Inbound Calls with Bolna Voice AI Agents
Set up Bolna Voice AI agents to answer incoming calls. Assign phone numbers, configure settings via the dashboard or API, and enhance customer interactions.
You will need to assign a phone number to Bolna Voice AI agent for automatically answering all incoming calls on that phone number
Method 1. Purchase a phone number from the Bolna Dashboard.
Please refer to a step by step tutorial for purchasing phone numbers on Bolna.
Purchasing phone numbers on Bolna
Method 2. Connect your Telephony account and use your own phone numbers.
Connect your Twilio account
Use your own Twilio phone numbers with Bolna
Connect your Plivo account
Use your own Plivo phone numbers with Bolna
Set up Bolna Voice AI agents to receive inbound calls from dashboard
Click "Assign inbound agent" button
Click 'Assign inbound agent' button to map a Bolna Voice AI agent to a phone number
Choose phone number which you want to assign to the Bolna Voice AI agent
Select phone number for Bolna Voice AI agent
Confirm the phone number
Setting up the agent
Voila! All set.
Your phone numbers is now successfully set up to answers calls by Bolna Voice AI agent